Tales from the Crate
5.5"x8.5 B&W 36 PagesThe Record collecting zine where writer, artist, small press publisher Ken Eppstein visits a record store with a $50 budget and tells you about the records he bought. (For keepers? For resale? Just out of curiosity? Read on McDuff and find out!)
Every cover is an homage to a classic EC Comics cover!
Store/Event: Brooklyn Record Store Tour (Academy, Record Grouch, captured Tracks) + Valley Vintage Antique Shop in New Jersey
Special Bonus: makin g a 7" record slip case
Writer/Artist: Ken Eppstein
Records by:
Dave Edmunds / Everly Brothers / Tav Falco's Panther Burns / Mick Farren and the Deviants / Fastbacks / Jimmy Gray and the Missels / The Hentchmen / Etta James / The King Tomes / Moon Mullican / Phantom Surfers / John Schooley and His One Man Band / The Sound Explosion / The Sultrees / The Swinging Blue Jeans / Thee Cellar Dwellers / Patti Paladin And Johnny Thunders / Barrence Whitfield and the Savages
Recurring Themes:
EC Comics
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